
You May Call Us Superheroes But We Also Have Bad Days

Have you read my previous article yet? Yes, this article that was published in I Had Cancer community. There wasn’t any single moment that I wish I will stop talking about cancer. I hope you got it and I am able to help you to understand. Well, hello again, call me Cielo Continue Reading

We’re Feeling Feelings Every Day

It’s just the way that you’re feeling now. It might just change somehow. So, I was inspired today to write this article about feelings. After publishing two more interviews recently, I always think to offset from one blog to another. Like after writing a kind of downcast personal story, another Continue Reading

The Exceptional, Brave Cancer Warrior

CieloMy name is Cielo, the author of “The Cancer Voice Asia”, a blog that aims to support and inspire anyone who is facing cancer. I know how it feels to be diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of cancer, Leiomyosarcoma, at the age of 29. I know the challenges, Continue Reading

The Distinctly Positive Sarcoma Cancer Warrior

CieloMy name is Cielo, the author of “The Cancer Voice Asia”, a blog that aims to support and inspire anyone who is facing cancer. I know how it feels to be diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of cancer, Leiomyosarcoma, at the age of 29. I know the challenges, Continue Reading

How Can A Distraction Manage A Chronic Pain For A Cancer Survivor?

This is a personal story of one of the people who are close to me and just recently had her 2nd surgery. Her recovery is still in progress but we had noticed a remarkable progression from her. You don’t know how strong this lady is. I salute her braveness despite Continue Reading

Connecting With Peer Survivors Can Help Others Manage Their Cancer Battle

In today’s world where everyone is connected yet, not connecting. Technology has made our world closer, smaller and more connected; however, we are losing the art of real communication. People are afraid of connecting with someone with real conversation, and I would like to imagine, too, how much more for Continue Reading

Why It Is Important To Give Healthy Foods To A Cancer Patient?

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. ~Ann Wigmore Things we ought to know why appropriate diet is very important to anyone who has cancer before and after treatment. This is not only true because Google Continue Reading

When Financial Burden Makes the Recovery Difficult for Someone Who has Cancer

Raising awareness campaign for cancer is fantastic yet hard to work reaching out people who need to be addressing their needs. The community should basically get to know everything from cancer prevention to nutrition to environmental health issues. But little we may realize, how could these cancer patients and family Continue Reading

Think Healthy To Nourish Your Body

Incorrectly blame someone for breaking your valuable belonging. Accuse a friend without having all the facts. Mad at your sibling without understanding why despite he or she does stupid things all the time. We are all guilty of this – jumping to conclusions. These are just some of the unhelpful Continue Reading

Disconnect to Connect

Let your soul catch up with your body. Set it on fire. Be fearless and follow your soul, it knows the way. I started to write this when I was in the coffee shop, realizing the mistake I’d done and I was off the agenda. I have nothing to do, Continue Reading

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