
What Is Life After Beating Cancer?

The Cancer Voice Asia
"And once the storm is over, 
you won't remember how you made it through, 
how you managed to survive. 
You won't even be sure whether the storm is really over. 
But one thing is certain. 
When you come out of the storm, 
you won't be the same person who walked in. 
That's what this storm's all about. 
-Haruki Murakami
Cielo – went back to Saigon, Vietnam after her cancer treatment in the Philippines.

Have you been wondering what is the life of someone who just beat cancer? Some get the whip hand; for most us, there is no way of stopping to live our new life with, no way. We are almost on the brink of death (I had even imagined myself in a coffin). Some gain angel’s wings and soar up high to heaven.

For some of us that are still alive? We wear our scars like wings, soaring high and embracing our new life. Yes, we love our scars, we claim it as how we claim when we still have that cancer in our body. Our scars are beautiful and it makes us beautiful.

The new life for the most of us is not always the best. Coz’ you know what? We are still the same people who have not yet experienced what it’s like to have cancer. After our treatment, we have to think about our career, life with family and friends. We are also contemplating normal life, socializing and networking. We have to think of growing the circle of friends.

Unfortunately, some are still battling the anxiety inside. Battling the acceptance, forgiveness to oneself. Battling with the reality of life, relationship, economy, and society.

Not everyone has cancer has the same amount of pain, pills that we take, the dosage of chemo drugs administered to us, number of visits for our cobalt treatment and not even with the same length of cut on our skin or inside our body. It’s also similar to our experiences after we beat cancer. Not everyone stays healthy, keeps their job, keep their relationships or even the money they spent during treatment.

Just like before we become a survivor, each of us may have the same suffering, but we still have diverse experiences. May it be sweet or bitter, easy or difficult – the bottom line is, after this storm, we won’t be the same person who walked in. As we turn our life upside down. We know how to fight this battle with cancer. We’ve been in that fear of uncertainty when our lives will be ended. After the storm, we love our life much more we did before cancer. We know death, we’d encountered death. Sure, everyone will come at that time that we have to die, but for us, we don’t want to die without a square fight. We don’t want to die because of this stupid cancer.

Surviving cancer is a lifelong commitment. We commit to love yourself. We commit to making a difference. We commit to spreading hope. We commit to continue the walk. We commit to give the love, strength and hope that we used to have for everyone. We commit to touch lives that have been touched by cancer. We commit to being an inspiration. AND, we commit to believing that there’s a cure for cancer. And in the future, cancer will not be considered as one of the deadliest diseases on earth.

As a survivor, I embrace a new life beyond the illness. I am sharing with you my journey compassionately. It is difficult to start a conversation with those who are suffering from cancer and also to those who are friends and even strangers along the way. But, as a survivor, I am committed to living a life with purpose, passion, and power.

Not only people with cancer is a survivor. Caregivers, family members, friends who are worth the journey are also survivors.

I hope I could hear some testimony from you to continue encouraging myself and everyone who could read this as well.

My name is Cielo, the author of “The Cancer Voice Asia”, a blog that aims to support and inspire anyone who is facing cancer. I know how it feels to be diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of cancer, Leiomyosarcoma, at the age of 29. I know the challenges, the fears, the hopes, and the joys of living with cancer. I want to share my story with you and connect you with others who understand what you are going through. Together, we can empower ourselves and fight against the disease. Join me on this platform and let’s make our healing journey a meaningful one.

2 thoughts on “What Is Life After Beating Cancer?

  1. Hey Cielo! Read your blog, and as a fellow survivor I get where you are coming from. Don’t dwell on the past too much, but appreciate waking up each day alive and well. Looking to the future # living life in a new perspective.

    1. Hi Jim! Thank you so much for your nice comment. And I totally agree with you. I wrote this article it’s not because of myself alone. This is just my observation from other fellow survivors that some of them are still dwelling on the past (too much).
      In terms of myself, I am quite sure that I am always looking forward to the future and focus on my present with a very positive mind.


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