Looking back, having cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Don’t get me wrong. Cancer is never the best thing that can happen to anyone, especially to children. But having cancer, I became stronger with a clearer vision of life.
Perhaps, a cancer survivor like me that had to experience different hardships and disappointments could easily give up during the battle at any moment. But, more than anything else, the experience with cancer has taught me the value of life and my relationship with people surround me.
I had never met any cancer survivor that never owned this fundamental human kindness. All cancer survivors I meet are very kind to any people they encounter even after experiencing the inhumane effect of this disease. And this kindness overthrow all money, status in society and power.
You can ask every cancer survivors what cancer had taught them, but here are some things I must mention how cancer becomes our teacher:
Celebrate life more often.

How do you celebrate life on a daily basis? Maybe, drink your favorite wine? Well, I do, sometimes. And what am I celebrating?
I celebrate life.
One day, there will not be a tomorrow. But having cancer taught me that the human spirit has the ability to overcome even the worst adversity and soar on the other side. In every negative, there is a positive, and it requires me to accept both sides.
It taught me the value of living each day to its fullest, not putting off until tomorrow what you could do today.

And also, cancer has taught me that I have the power to make a real difference to the world in which I live. It’s a scary thought that one day I will be taking my last breath. But every once in a while, things happen that I never expect and will make me remember what cancer has taught me.
And with that, I allow myself to be thankful.

My name is Cielo, the author of “The Cancer Voice Asia”, a blog that aims to support and inspire anyone who is facing cancer. I know how it feels to be diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of cancer, Leiomyosarcoma, at the age of 29. I know the challenges, the fears, the hopes, and the joys of living with cancer. I want to share my story with you and connect you with others who understand what you are going through. Together, we can empower ourselves and fight against the disease. Join me on this platform and let’s make our healing journey a meaningful one.