Green Meadows
Wind blows
Leaves scatter
Flowers glitter
Tiny caterpillar
In survival
Found only
In solitary
Now tarry
To sanctuary
It’s heading
And dwindling
Into cocoon
‘Til June
No space
No face
Hiding until
It’ll unseal
It’s time
To climb
Up where
There’s air
A change
In range
Of motion
And intention
To fly
Soar high
The butterfly
Its dye
It’s beautiful
And colorful
originally written: March 12, 2016

My name is Cielo, the author of “The Cancer Voice Asia”, a blog that aims to support and inspire anyone who is facing cancer. I know how it feels to be diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of cancer, Leiomyosarcoma, at the age of 29. I know the challenges, the fears, the hopes, and the joys of living with cancer. I want to share my story with you and connect you with others who understand what you are going through. Together, we can empower ourselves and fight against the disease. Join me on this platform and let’s make our healing journey a meaningful one.
Great flow from caterpillar to butterfly – we are all caterpillars; some of us never really come out of our cocoons and some never get the chance to fly.
Hi percolatingpoetry,
Thank you for your comment. I hope you actively reading Creative Mess.
Hi, Cielo! You are most welcome! Yes, I am following you now and will be reading as you post! Regards, Alex
Nice One
Hi Vishal,
Thank you for your comment. I hope you actively reading Creative Mess.