
Filipinos In Vietnam Support Group

Filipinos in Vietnam Support Group (FVSG) is founded by a friend of mine, James Perez, now a digital nomad living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Aside of being a nomad, he is also a minimalist. Here’s James website to get to know more of him – Jam Per.


FVSG has founded last December 2015 and its objective hasn’t been changed since. It has always been an exclusive group for Filipinos living, visiting or planning to stay in Vietnam. The group simply wants to help each other by sharing job opportunities, giving travel recommendations, providing helpful Vietnamese living tips, partnering with business, and exchanging of random and helpful ideas in general.

We always promote the “No to crab mentality” as the cardinal rule of the group.

When we say, this is exclusive for Pinoys, we meant were, any Filipinos from anywhere in the world and back home as well.

Filipinos engaging in their work in Vietnam is way fun and exciting to add more experiences in their life abroad. All of the fellow Filipinos, we meet here brings great company and camaraderie.

I challenge every Filipinos in Vietnam and anywhere in the world to meet new people to expand the Filipino community and make it more united and strong.

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